Building Capacity and Working Collaboratively – a joint CES/IPA Seminar

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CES and the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) are hosting a joint seminar on Thursday the 7th February 2019. The theme of the seminar is ‘building capacity and working collaboratively’.

Our Public Service 2020, published by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER), aims to deliver better outcomes for the public and to build public service organisations that are resilient, agile and responsive to new challenges. In this seminar we will showcase two examples of change in public services:

  • The merger of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the Radiological Institute of Ireland (RPII),
  • The implementation of change in the Health Service Executive’s (HSE) mental health services

A light breakfast will be provided on arrival and Dr Lucy Fallon Byrne, Assistant Secretary at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform will open the event at 8.30am.

The panel will be chaired by Rhona Gaynor (Department of Health). Contributors include Yvonne O’Neill (HSE), Laura Burke (EPA), Siobhan Bradley (IPA), Joanna O’Riordain(IPA) and Gráinne Clarke (CES).

This seminar is aimed at senior leaders involved in change in public services.

To find out more and book your place click here.

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