2018—Our Year in Resources

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An evidence informed round up of some of the most downloaded CES resources in 2018.

Youth Mental Health in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

In March we published the third resource in our Access Evidence Series. This included a literature review and animation on youth mental in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The report, aimed at teachers, youth workers, social workers and others working with young people, identified some key messages about emerging trends in youth mental health across Ireland and Northern Ireland. It highlighted some findings from research on effective approaches, and what practitioners can do to support young people with their mental health. Read more here.

Impact of Alcohol — Capturing the learning.

In June we published three reports on the Impact of Alcohol in Northern Ireland — the Impact of Alcohol Conference Report, Capturing the Learningand Exploring the Learning from Elsewhere. The Big Lottery Fund Impact of Alcohol Programme provided support for thirty one projects in Northern Ireland, all of which aimed to reduce the harm caused by alcohol misuse to individuals, families and communities. The Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) and CES provided a range of supports to grant holders, including policy and public affairs support, accessing evidence, event organisation, networking and facilitating shared learning.

Introductory Guide to Implementation

Published in 2012, this guide remains a popular resource on our website. It lays out what implementation is, why it is important, and describes the core ideas, such as implementation frameworks, stages, enablers and barriers. CES is part of a growing community around the world interested in implementation and implementation science. In May, some of our staff attended the Nordic Implementation Conference and wrote about it here. We’re working on a revised version of the guide, to be published in the coming months.

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CES Brochure

In 2018 CES had a re-brand. We enlisted the help of a team from Ulster University to review our work over the past 10 years. The review helped us to become clearer about how we communicate the work we do. Our new brochure details who we are, what we do and what we believe in. You can read it here along with the Ten Year Review of our work and the CES Strategy.

’15 Days’ — a story about collaborative problem solving in public services

This report, written by Rhona Gaynor, Peter Thomas and Andrew Templeman and published by CES in 2017, tells the story of how the Youth Mental Health Pathfinder introduced new ways of working in Ireland’s Department of Health, based on collaborative problem solving. The report was produced under the Goal programme which supports public service reform. The story is accompanied by s toolkit, full of engaging, interactive tools and methodologies to support collaborative working.

In 2018 the CES website had a revamp. You can find more resources on our new website here. We are planning plenty more resources to support public services in 2019.

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